Archon Angel Look Set To Release Their Album ‘Fallen’

Written by on December 13, 2019

Archon Angel release their new album ‘Fallen’ 14th February 2020 via Frontiers and the album can be pre-ordered here
The album itself deals with a central character, the ‘Archon’, who is a modern day angel, although the concept dates back to the religious system of Gnosticism with the Archon acting as a medium who brings messages to God (or Demiurge) from the people of Earth. The listener is invited to follow the story and life of the Archon as he is called upon to protect the earth’s inhabitants through frightening and turbulent times.
‘Fallen’ Track Listing:
1.    Fallen
2.    The Serpent
3.    Rise
4.    Under The Spell
5.    Twilight
6.    Faces Of Innocence
7.    Hit The Wall
8.    Who’s In The Mirror
9.    Brought To The Edge
10.  Return Of The Storm



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