Lord Zion From The Band ‘Spit Like This’ Has Passed Away

Written by on June 7, 2021

lord zionLord Zion vocalist from the band Spit Like This has passed away.

Vikki Spit bassist from the band said this in a official statement via Facebook:

”Zion passed away on the 19th of May 2021. He had an extreme reaction to the astra-zeneca vaccine, which had been administered on the 5th May 2021. Z wasn’t worried about getting covid, but, he was worried about spreading it to others.
I have spent my entire adult life-over half my life-with Z. We were apart 1 night in 21 years. My entire present and my entire future are zion vikkishattered.
I have to make sure I don’t let z down by turning to junk, booze or drugs. I have to attempt to not go entirely feral.
Even though Zion is gone, His liver and kidneys were donated to people who urgently needed life saving transplants. I know that knowing he has saved lives would make him very happy.
His funeral is on the 14th of June 2021. Due to covid, numbers of mourners attending is limited.
zion roadWe do not want flowers but if you would like to donate to alzheimers society or to donate to help make the family rooms at the critical care ward 18 at the RVI hospital in Newcastle more comfortable, that would be greatly appreciated.

He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him.

Zion – Ta Ta For Now mate. It was good to know you.”

This is the last picture Vikki took of Z. He is carrying rubbish he’d picked up that people had thrown into the verge, Zion always tried to make things better in any little way he could.

Lord Zion’s book ‘A Life Amid Crisis’ is available via paperback at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Life-Amid-Crisis-right-happens/dp/1535047364/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

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