Ghost – Rite Here Rite Now: The Big Reveal

Written by on June 19, 2024

So, if you’ve been living under a rock lately, Ghost are about to release a movie, ‘Rite Here Rite Now’. All we’ve been told is it’s more than just a live concert. For those that aren’t avid followers, the band have a lore to their history and this has been steadily released over the last few years via ‘Chapters’ on YouTube, and traditionally at the end of every album cycle a new ‘Papa’ is revealed. Will this movie be the culmination of this lore and the end of current Papa Emeritus IV?..

Rite Here Rite Now tickets

Well of course we cannot tell you that! We are under a strict ‘no spoiler’ policy and I absolutely wouldn’t want anyone spending their hard earned money to see this at the limited run of cinema screenings this weekend to accidentally see the results! This puts me in the very difficult position of writing up a review, without actually being able to tell you… well, anything! Well, almost…

The worldwide premier was held at London’s Picturehouse Central, just off Shaftesbury Avenue at Piccadilly Circus, with around 340 guests by invitation and competition winners. Graciously, any no show ticket holders seats were passed on to the adorning fans waiting at the barriers, with around 30 fans being allowed in last minute. Spotting members of the press, media, bookers, publicists, and label, in the lobby we were all able to witness Tobias and his family in the flesh on the so called ‘Red Carpet’, a sectioned off area to the side whilst we were ushered to take our seats. And could we have a glimpse of future touring collaborations? In attendance were Europe’s frontman, Joey Tempest, UK goth rockers Creeper, and Irelands Eurovision entrant Bambie Thug – with a outfit as wild as ever and still as made-up as on stage – a daisy in the sea of black. I’m not convinced we’ll be seeing a match with Carcass however, even if Bill Steer and Jeff Walker were also in attendance.

The movie, introduced by Radio One Rock Show host, Daniel P. Carter, got straight to the point, no trailers here! It is important to remember that this is a concert release, we do get the full show and I’ll tell you what struck me the most was just how incredible the music was mixed. This is the best I’ve ever heard Ghost live! The vocal harmonies, which can sometimes number as many as five, were perfectly blended, clear, and not over powering such as has been a previous issue with their live shows. And to be able to hear the two guitars in such clarity was very welcome. I felt like I was actually at a show, I wanted to stand up and cheer at the end of each song! Attendees surrounding me were singing out loud and back row seaters were stood dancing along. However, this was also the loudest I’ve ever heard Ghost, bring earplugs!

The camera angles are fantastic, I’ve never seen any live show recording like this, with so much effort and work into the angles and coverage, we usually just have a few pans, a few wide angles, and one angle closeups. Tobias stated he wanted to catch the little minute nuances that are always there, but that someone sat at the back would probably never have been able to see before. Though the cuts were very quick, changing every two seconds and barely giving you a chance to absorb what you’re seeing. I guess in the home release this gives you plenty of reason to keep rewatching, finding something new each time you view. And this is very Papa heavy, the front row of ghouls and drums get enough supporting visuals, however, the rear row of ghouls are neglected somewhat. No shimmies with Swiss here, and even the keytar solo receives not much more than a token acknowledgement.

Director, Alex Ross Perry, later tells us in the Q&A that cuts totalled over 4,000, where as a typical release such as this would be up to just 1,000! I noticed how we didn’t see camera crews in shot and this was actually a deliberate move. Tobias explained he wanted to capture the live performance of the show and not give away the magic by having crew in view. The man responsible for live filming, Jim Parsons, went on to explain that whilst typically acts film at two shows to have a safety net and ensure shots and angles all get covered, that with this film instead on the first night all 13 camera’s were set on one side of the stage pointing to the other, and this was then reversed the next night, to ensure the optimum chance of usable footage angles without crew in the background. Tobias, ever the perfectionist still managed to spot some, to his mild annoyance. Alex, who has been through the entire process from chapter one six years ago, through to twelve, contributed in the difficulties of this in editing when in the same part of a song, one night from that angle Tobias may be holding the mic in his right hand, and the next night it’s in his left, a variable that cannot be tamed. In the final edit Jim thinks he got away with it, Tobias still spotted them, with a cheeky grin.

The story within ‘Rite Here Rite Now’; what can I say? Can I say there is a conclusion? No. Can I say there are answers? No. Can I say we see Papa’s of old? No. I guess I can be cryptic too?..

Tobias raises a Freddie Mercury inspired hand to the sky on stage at Download 2023.

Tobias raises a Freddie Mercury inspired hand to the sky at Download 2023.

There is someone I didn’t expect. There isn’t some one I did expect. There isn’t someone I didn’t expect. And there is someone I did expect. There are a lot of cryptic clues and there are a lot of references. There is plenty of humour, and there is sorrow. There is motivation, and there is even an unplanned incident which was left in. You do need to sit through the entire credits. Literally wait until the end, otherwise you will miss crucial footage. And I won’t comment of the leaks that have happened way back in filming, but they do of course happen. The new song is fantastic, unlike anything they have done before, you honestly won’t guess.

‘Rite Here Rite Now’ see’s theatrical release from 20-23 June around the country, with limited availability remaining. Should Ghost fans see this? Of course! Should casual listeners see this? Go for it! Should general rock fans go see this? If you’re not an elitist that enjoys live music and you’re up for a good time, go for it!

Movie tickets: HERE \\ Soundtrack Preorder: HERE



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