Liam Gallagher – Live at The O2 Arena London

Written by on June 16, 2024

Words: Kahmel Farahani

Photos: Aggie Anthimidou


© Aggie Anthimidou Photography. All Rights Reserved.

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the seminal Oasis debut album Definitely Maybe, Liam Gallagher has taken up a sold out mini residency at London’s O2 Arena. The thirst for hearing those songs live again is so high that tonight the arena is crammed full, with every last seat full and standing room packed with expectant fans.

The band strut out and strike up Rock And Roll Star. It’s a calling card if there ever was one and as soon as Liam himself walks on and starts singing the crowd collectively go crazy with anything to hand being tossed into the air.

© Aggie Anthimidou Photography. All Rights Reserved.

“It’s Monday night, but the weekend starts here!” yells Liam before the fabulous fuzz soaked riff of Columbia starts up. The groove is a glorious mix between psychedelia and grunge, and it’s one of their most underrated tracks. The glorious nostalgia factor is given that little extra boost by the presence of original Oasis rhythm guitarist, Paul “Bonehead” Arthurs.

“The one and only Bonehead” Liam says before they launch into Shakermaker. Wearing his adidas windcheater and trapper’s hat with ear flaps, Liam himself looks like he’s attending a rainy British summer time festival. With trademark tambourine in hand, his voice is in totally perfect form tonight. “We’re going to rattle off a few old things tonight. I know that sounds a bit kinky, but it’s not on purpose” Liam says with a mischievous  look.

© Aggie Anthimidou Photography. All Rights Reserved.

One of the most interesting things about tonight’s setlist is that it’s not simply a mashup of Oasis’ greatest hits. The lesser know and the beloved B-sides like D’yer Wanna Be A Spaceman and Half The World Away. On this UK run, the latter has been dedicated by Liam to “My brother, who is still holding out”. They are very simply and pleasing acoustic sing alongs and provide the perfect light and shade to the loud and the electric.


© Aggie Anthimidou Photography. All Rights Reserved.

The feedback of guitars washes over the crowd as they start bouncing for Cigarettes And Alcohol and every drink in hand goes flying over the crowd. It’s like watching a football match after the cup has been won – the crowd join arm in arm, singing and jumping up and down.

“I appreciate you all coming out here on a cold Monday night – I really appreciate it” Liam tells the crowd. It’s a heartfelt message from one of rock and roll’s most brilliantly confrontational  frontman. Tonight, the sheer strength of the song-writing, simple and direct, is the real star.

© Aggie Anthimidou Photography. All Rights Reserved.

The power of these songs are undiminished after 30 years, and the sing along that accompanies Supersonic and Live Forever during the encore us truly astounding. “Any lovebirds in the house tonight” Liam asks the crowd before Slide Away; “This one’s for all of you, especially you two, Bert and Ernie in the front row”.

After another standing ovation and stomping of feet, Liam and co return for a second encore. The gloriously distorted Oasis cover of The Beatles’ I am The Walrus is the perfect way to end the night. Tonight was a hugely enjoyable gig from an icon who still has the energy and the voice to carry it all off.


© Aggie Anthimidou Photography. All Rights Reserved.

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