Written by on July 25, 2022

Following the moving fan stories the band heard in the aftermath of recent single ‘Fuck the Haters’, Massive Wagons decided to launch the campaign to help stamp out bullying of all kinds, in collaboration with The Sophie Lancaster Foundation.

The band today shared the first in a short series of personal interviews. In today’s instalment, Baz and Adam talk about the personal experiences and inspiration behind ‘Fuck the Haters’ and the consequent campaign.

A portion of the proceeds from the band’s ‘Fuck the Haters’ (and more child-friendly ‘Forget the Haters’!) merch range will go to The Sophie Lancaster Foundation. The range includes t-shirts, patches, foam hands, and a goodie bag.

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation will use the proceeds to bring S.O.P.H.I.E (Stamp Out Prejudice, Hate, and Intolerance Everywhere) workshops to schools. These workshops aim to increase empathy in young people and help to them to understand that actions have consequences.

Fuck the Haters Merch

Due to their own life experiences, this is a campaign that the band feel very strongly about. Frontman Baz Mills shares,

“I took a lot of crap at school, it seemed like my universe at the time revolved around being picked on, going to school and just coming home in one piece. I got it in the neck from kids and teachers all the time; I wasn’t the smartest lad and I was very, very small for my age – both things I believe contributed to the shit I got. This carried on all through school and college, not being from a big town I just became the target guy.

“Joining the RAF was the best thing I ever did. I moved away; new start, new faces. The military is like a brotherhood. It strips you back, makes you all the same, then just re-builds you. I just became a different human. When I eventually left and came home, the same old losers were living the same old lives but I wasn’t prepared to fall back into that trap. I hooked up with a few guys, we started the band and here we are…”

“Long story short, that abuse will never leave me – it crosses my mind at least once a day every day – but it didn’t beat me. I use that shit as a tool to be who I am now. It reminds me every day that I can do anything I want. It has taught me to be kind, sympathetic, and understanding with others.

“I never ever want to be the bully or abuser – fuck them, fuck them all. They aren’t in a rock band, working for themselves, doing something they love, touching people’s lives with words and music, taking my daughter to school and bringing her home, doing what I like when I like. I’ve done this, you can do this, don’t be beaten down, don’t let them win, live your life how you wanna live it FUCK THE HATERS.

“It means a lot to be able to share this message through our music, and even more to be partnering with The Sophie Lancaster Foundation to help support the anti-bullying work they do in schools.”



Adam Lancaster from The Sophie Lancaster Foundation says,

“The message in this Massive Wagons song ‘wear what you want, be who you want to be, and be proud about it’ absolutely reflects the core message of The Sophie Lancaster Foundation. The unprovoked gang attack on Sophie was solely because of her Gothic appearance. Our work focuses on educating people that difference should be celebrated not feared and we all have the right to be who we are without harassment or violence.

“It’s great that this campaign has such a strong anti-bullying message as we know how devastating the effects of bullying can be. We are so grateful that the band will be donating a proportion of merchandise sales to the Foundation and we will use any proceeds to deliver much needed anti-bullying workshops in schools.”

You can take part in the campaign by using the following hashtags: #FuckTheHaters #StopBullying, and if you feel comfortable enough, you can share your own experiences.



The dates of the rest of the video interview series are listed below. You can purchase ‘Fuck the Haters’ merchandise here. To donate/find out more about The Sophie Lancaster Foundation and the important work that they do, visit their website.

Thursday 28th July – Baz chats to Imogen, who performs in an alt rock band

Monday 1st August – Baz chats to Doc, whose tattooed face graces the cover of new album TRIGGERED!

Thursday 4th August – Baz chats to viral internet star Tristan


*If you or someone you know is being bullied, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. The organisations listed below are there to offer help and support: (USA)

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