Metal Fans Among Happiest Of All Music Genres According To A New Study

Written by on March 8, 2021

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Music has been scientifically proven to improve health by stimulating changes in your brain and, as a result, listening hours have soared in the past year as it has been crucial to lifting moods. But alongside music comes the fans, who have proven to be just as important in keeping spirits high, especially on social media.

Interested in online communities, were intrigued to uncover which music genre has the happiest fans! Metal came out 2nd.

They analysed more than 2.1 million Reddit comments from the subreddits of 27 different music genres, calculating the number of times positive or happy expressions were mentioned*.

With a whopping 1.3 million members in the r/metal subreddit are Metal fans. With 62 positive statements for every 100 comments made, they were surprisingly found to be among the happiest music fans, despite the accept wolf hoffmannegative stereotypes held about them.

Interestingly, Accept guitarist Wolf Hoffman [pictured], commented ”How the Metal audience has chilled out over the years and that fans in the 1980s were a ”totally different game”’. spoke exclusively with WeCure’s Psychologist, Şirin Atçeken [pictured] about why Metal fans are among the Happiest of music fans and they explains as to why this is:

”Metal music allows us to tap into our anger sensors and actively address them, helping to manage these negative emotions. People feel that their anger is matched to the music when listening to Metal and therefore find it easier to process it. Metasirin atcekenl formulates a safe and healthy space for this to happen. In some cases, Metal also combats loneliness and makes us feel less alone in these emotions, allowing the listener to accept them.

Another reason is that Metal fans are notorious in building communities. People who listen to this genre are more likely to find common ground with other listeners and become part of the community – more so than Pop or Classical fans. These communities provide kindness, relate-ability, friendship and a space to share feelings, ideas and a safe space to just be. This support increases happiness, positivity and feelings of Love and acceptance.

One final reason that Metal fans may be happier, is that many of them, especially in older years have accepted who they are as individuals and are more assured of themselves. Acceptance and understanding is the key to happiness after all.”


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