Metal Massacre XV To Be Released

Written by on April 23, 2021

metal massacre xv lpIn 1982, Metal Blade Records put out its first release: Metal Massacre, a compilation album that included Metallica, Ratt and many other influential artists.

Now in 2021, Metal Blade will be releasing Metal Massacre XV on May 21st and continuing the legacy of the first album – the collection will once again contain a sampling of contemporary heavy metal bands and curated by Decibel Magazine‘s Albert Mudrian.

Purchase and stream Metal Massacre XV now at:

Metal Massacre XV Track Listing

1. Midnight “Masked and Deadly” (Metal Massacre XV exclusive!)

2. Poison Ruïn “Demon Wind”

3. Fuming Mouth “Master of Extremity”

4. Many Suffer “The Trees Die Standing” (Metal Massacre XV exclusive!)

5. Temple of Void “Leave the Light Behind”

6. Ripped to Shreds “撿骨 (Bone Ritual)” (Metal Massacre XV exclusive!)

7. Rude “Omega”

8. Midnight Dice “Starblind”

9. Smoulder “Warrior Witch of Hel”

10. Mother of Graves “In Somber Dreams”

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