MINISTRY feat. Jello Biafra’s ‘Sabotage Is Sex!’ music video released

Written by on March 8, 2022

One of the most incendiary and popular tracks on Ministry’s latest album ‘Moral Hygiene’ is undoubtedly ‘Sabotage Is Sex, the blistering collaboration between Al Jourgensen and his oft-collaborator Jello Biafra, the great mind behind the Dead Kennedys.

ministry and jello biafraWhile ‘Sabotage Is Sex‘ has been pleasing ears since ‘Moral Hygiene’ was released on October 1st 2021 via Nuclear Blast Records, fans now have even more to feast on with the powerhouse new video – featuring both music icons and marking the first time Jello Biafra has ever appeared in a music video.

Al Jourgensen states ”Jello and I have been friends and music collaborators for decades. I had no idea he’d never done a video before and I’m honored to pop that creative cherry for him on ‘Sabotage Is Sex.’ It’s crazy how tech savvy we’ve all gotten, yet, somehow it all seems very punk rock to shoot a video at home with just an iPhone.”

Jello Biafra adds ”It’s amazing what can be done dirt cheap in your bedroom, with some kool found footage and a few clever ideas. Two phones, two takes and my work is done. Fun! I knew there’d finally come a day where I could bust out those Fez hats kids stole from their parents and threw at Dead Kennedys on our ‘85 FrankenChrist tour.”

Created by director Joel Smith of Mad Minute Productions, the gritty, black-and-white video makes a number of bold statements as only Al Jourgensen and Jello Biafra can about the state of society in 2022, focusing on the corruption of the powers that be, racial injustice and the infringement on the rights of Americans.

Watch the ‘Sabotage Is Sex’ video here

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