Mr. Giant & The Broken Stone Sign With Wormholedeath
Written by Johnson Stephen on March 31, 2022
Mr. Giant & The Broken Stone have signed a licensing deal with Wormholedeath for the reissue of their album “Metamorphosis”.
The band, speaking of the album, stated “This first album “Metamorphosis” is a contemplative and heavy criticism of the mundane way in which society takes care of its most precious asset:Life.
Famous fate of those who proclaim it, fortunate those who build it. For in the resilience of our being lives the human essence of our heart…Metamorphosis.”
The album is due for re-release on April 29th, 2022.
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Tagged as "Metamorphosis" reissued licensing deal Mr. Giant & The Broken Stone reissued April 29th 2022 Wormholedeath Records
Johnson Stephen
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