Nova Rock Festival 2024 – Day 2

Written by on June 20, 2024

Second Day of Nova Rock Festival 2024: A Colorful Musical Journey

The second day of the Nova Rock Festival 2024 in Nickelsdorf’s Pannonia Fields brought a vibrant mix of sounds and styles, setting the perfect stage for a summer celebration. With ideal weather—pleasantly warm but not too hot—fans reveled in a diverse lineup that ranged from medieval rock to hardcore metal.

Kicking Off the Day: Engst and Of Mice & Men

The afternoon started with a bang as German punk band Engst took over the Red Stage. Their high-energy performance ignited the crowd’s enthusiasm early on, drawing a significant number of festival-goers eager to start their day with some punk rock flair. Over at the Blue Stage, California’s metalcore titans, Of Mice & Men, unleashed their powerful sound, waking up even the groggiest of headbangers with their intense set.

Engst at Nova Rock festival 2024

Of Mice and Men at Nova Rock festival 2024

Midday Magic: Feuerschwanz and Igorrr

Feuerschwanz brought their unique medieval rock vibes to the Blue Stage, creating a festive atmosphere that felt like a modern-day Renaissance fair. Their playful costumes and catchy tunes had everyone dancing and singing along, setting a joyful tone for the day.

In a striking contrast, French experimental band Igorrr captivated the audience with their avant-garde blend of death metal, electronic music, and operatic vocals. Their performance was nothing short of mesmerizing, showcasing a daring musical fusion that left the crowd in awe.

Feuerschwanz at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Igorrr at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Afternoon Highlights: Folkshilfe and Machine Head

As the day progressed, Austrian band Folkshilfe took the Red Stage, charming the audience with their innovative mix of folk and pop. Their energetic set, featuring the distinctive sound of the accordion, resonated with fans and added a local touch to the festival’s eclectic lineup.

Meanwhile, on the Blue Stage, Machine Head delivered a thunderous performance. Despite recent lineup changes, frontman Rob Flynn led the band with unrelenting vigor, belting out hits like “Imperium” and “Halo” to an ecstatic crowd. Their groove-thrash metal sound was a festival highlight, proving their enduring appeal.

Folkshilfe at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Machine Head at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Evening Excitement: Fäaschtbänkler and Parkway Drive

As the sun began to set, Swiss band Fäaschtbänkler took to the Red Stage, infusing the festival with their vibrant mix of brass music, pop, and party anthems. Their playful performance, complete with energetic dance routines, turned the stage into a massive party, delighting the crowd.

On the Blue Stage, Australia’s Parkway Drive brought their signature metalcore sound to life. Known for their explosive live shows, they didn’t disappoint, delivering a set filled with pyrotechnics and powerful riffs. Tracks like “Wild Eyes” and “Bottom Feeder” had the audience in a frenzy, solidifying their status as festival favorites.

Fäaschtbänkler at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Nightfall: AUT Of ORDA and Otto & die Friesenjungs

As night fell, Austrian supergroup AUT Of ORDA lit up the Red Stage. Featuring Christopher Seiler, Paul Pizzera, and Daniel Fellner, the band delivered an eclectic set that spanned multiple genres. Their humorous and locally flavored covers of Rage Against The Machine and Linkin Park hits were particularly well-received.

Closing the night with a lighter touch, comedian Otto Waalkes and his band, Otto & die Friesenjungs, took to the stage. Celebrating his 75th birthday, Otto blended music and comedy in a nostalgic, entertaining show. Classics like “Schifoan” and “Griechischer Wein” had the crowd laughing and singing along, wrapping up the day with smiles and cheer.

AUT of Orda at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Otto & die Friesenjungs at Nova Rock Festival 2024

Smooth Sailing and Safety

The second day of Nova Rock went off without a hitch, thanks to well-organized operations and minimal disruptions. The Burgenland police reported a peaceful day with only minor incidents, while the Austrian Automobile Club (ÖAMTC) ensured smooth traffic flow to the venue. The Red Cross attended to 413 people for minor injuries, and despite the heat, only a few cases required hospitalisation.


Day two of Nova Rock 2024 perfectly showcased the festival’s ability to blend diverse musical styles into a memorable experience. From Engst’s punk energy to Otto Waalkes’ comedic charm, the day was a testament to the festival’s inclusive and lively spirit. With more exciting performances on the horizon, festival-goers can look forward to a weekend of unforgettable music and good times under the sunny skies of Nickelsdorf.


Words and pictures by Mariam Osman

Check out the reviews of the other days:

Day 1 / Day 3 / Day 4

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