Ozzy Osbourne Reveals Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

Written by on January 22, 2020

Ozzy Osbourne has revealed he has Parkinson’s disease in an official statement, which reads:

Wife Sharon said: “It’s not a death sentence but it affects certain nerves in your body. You have a good day, a good day, then a really bad day.”

Ozzy added it was hard to tell whether the numbness symptoms he had were from the Parkinson’s or the fall.

The singer said: “It’s been terribly challenging for us all.

“I did my last show [on] New Year’s Eve (2018). Then I had a bad fall. I had to have surgery on my neck, which screwed all my nerves.”

He said he was now on medication for Parkinson’s and nerve pain following the surgery he had after his fall.

He added that he was grateful to his fans. “They’re my air, you know. I feel better. I’ve owned up to the fact that I have… a case of Parkinson’s. And I just hope they hang on and they’re there for me because I need them.”

Ozzy said his health was improving. “I’m a lot better now than I was last February. I was in a shocking state.”

Sharon said the next step was to consult doctors outside the US and explore other possible treatments.






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