The following statement from The Temperance Movement says this:

Sadly, we have to announce that Phil Campbell is leaving The Temperance Movement and we’d like to thank him for all the amazing times we’ve spent, and music we’ve made together.

Phil Campbell in his own words has this to say “After 8 years in studios, splitter busses, trains, planes and venues all over the world, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my departure from The Temperance Movement. Its been a wild ride with many many good times and memories to cherish forever… touring Sweden in early days, selling out The Borderline in London, our first UK headline tour, Koko when Jimmy Page showed up, the shows with The Stones, the first American Tour, Marrakesh, Germany, Paris… too many to mention.

For myself, the pride I felt in my mid 30’s, learning how to sing for the first time and being commended for it is something I’ll wear on my heart forever. I have however taken it as far as I can. Personal circumstances, home, family and other musical projects have taken centre stage in my life.

I realise how loved this band is and I realise also that there are too many people to thank in one post. The most important of them are my fellow band mates, Paul Sayer, Nick Fyffe, Matt White and Simon Lea. I also thank Damon Wilson and Luke Potashnick for times past in days of old. Thank you for taking me from obscurity, handing me a microphone stand and teaching me how to properly perform.

Fans of The Temperance Movement are the greatest fans in the world. Your support of the band has always propelled us forward. You are an incredible loving audience to play for. Thank you to all of you everywhere and wherever you are. Together the band is a true force of life. I have enjoyed such great rewards from the whole experience. I am truly grateful for all of it.

Peace & Love,  Phil x.”
