Sari Schorr’s New Video ‘Ordinary Life’ Has Striking Scenes Of New York In Lockdown

Written by on May 1, 2020

Normality has been put on hold — Ordinary life isn’t the same. Sari Schorr’s brand-new video for her song ‘Ordinary Life’ captures haunting glimpses of that, from the here-and-now: ones that in months and years to come will remind us of these strange, changed days.

”I shot all the footage with an iPhone 7 Plus in New York City” says Sari before adding ”Then the ‘Ordinary Life’ video was edited on a MacBook Pro in Final Cut X. I was inspired to hopefully portray how extraordinary times reveal the precious gifts of an ordinary life.”

The result is remarkable, capturing moments and scenes from life under social distancing and lockdown. The shots show how aspects of ordinary life have changed so drastically, so quickly.

Sari Schorr originally wrote ‘Ordinary Life’ back in 2015 with Henning Gehrke and Bill Alexander. The track featured on her critically-acclaimed, 2016 breakthrough debut album ‘A Force Of Nature’, on Manhaton Records, produced by the legendary British Blues pioneer Mike Vernon (who’s worked with giants like David Bowie, Eric Clapton, John Mayall, Fleetwood Mac and Peter Green).

Back in 2016, Sari’s song was poignant. Today, it’s taken on new meaning and feeling, married with new visuals, shot and edited by Sari herself in The Big Apple as it’s had to make changes to save lives.






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