Tigertailz, Kickin Valentina and Star Circus, Review by Dawn Osborne

Written by on June 12, 2023

Not everything went Star Circus’ way tonight.  Firstly, singer Dave Winkler introduced the wrong song, which he easily laughed off, secondly, there was a problem with the snare …but props to their drummer who sped off and replaced it with another, in literally seconds, as if he had been practicing for just such an eventuality. I think the most important thing about these problems was the band kept its cool and did not panic, and as soon as there was another drum, picked up where they left off, a sign that they have enough live hours under their belt now to carry off any kind of cock up.

Dave Winkler from Star Circus

Quite simply, despite the accidents that befell them, they were much higher quality than most second support bands at the Underworld and still come off as a class act. Additionally, not many of the crowd knew about the very early start tonight, but after the mistakes as the band got into its stride the room started to fill up and stayed full, so apparently people liked what they saw: lovely tone guitar, a bit of Rock to go with the Roll,  a keyboard player that looks like he’s as much into what he’s doing as Jon Lord ever was and manages to play rhythm guitar as well, a bassist who as well as a good bass player that makes it looks easy happens to be a beautiful sexy woman and Winkler who writes the songs and manages to sing them with an authenticity that only the actual singer songwriter can bring.

Sophie Aurelia Young of Star Circus

When he announces ‘Before The Song is Over’ as a song written when he was young and naïve he puts his finger on the nature of some of their material which was written a while ago when he was a very young man. Not that the songs are bad, not at all, but I do expect as they write newer material, for it to match the maturity of their excellent playing. You can feel the band’s hunger, they really want it, and you don’t see that enough these days. Apparently another album is on its way, so watch this space.

Dave Winkler of Star Circus

So the crowd are well and truly warmed up when Kickin Valentina burst on the stage. The stage looks small compared to the festival stage I just saw them play on, but somehow the gritty, sweaty, dark Underworld venue is a place this very urban band are right at home.

DK Revelle of Kickin Valentina


Again there’s a very direct energy in the way powerhouse vocalist DK Revelle handles the crowd: he does not stop engaging them eyeball to eyeball for a single moment. There are limited things to climb on, but he climbs on everything he can to reach every single soul right at the back. And the band take everyone with them: it is amazing how many people at the front (which is where I was, of course) know every single word of the familiar songs such as ‘Turns Me On’ and ‘Somebody New’.

Heber Papillon of Kickin Valentina

When Revelle says “let’s hear the ladies tonight” there is high pitched screaming in unison, deafening and not unlike that which used to greet bands like the Beatles. Something which does not happen that often here.

Chris Taylor of Kickin Valentina

The energy does not dip for the turbocharged new songs ‘Take it Away’ and “a song for your enemies” ‘Fireback’. One really nice touch is that drummer Jimmy Berdine who has been stuck at the back comes down to the front and shakes everyone’s hand at the end. It’s almost as though we have already had a headlining show.

Jimmy Berdine of Kickin Valentina

But no, we have the brand new Tigertailz to go. This is the first time people have seen the band live with new singer Ashley Edison who has been known for his power metal singing hitherto. People often criticise glam bands for relying too much on their image, but he does not have spiky hair, so there’s no image to hide behind. Luckily his powerful pipes do the Tigertailz songs more than justice.

Ashley Edison of Tigertailz

The crowd are, of course, already sold on the songs. Tigertailz fans are not afraid to let it rip from the off at the chance to sing some of their favourites. Edison’s voice makes the band more metal than trash glam, that is for sure. The songs were always full of catchy punk pop melodies, Edison gives them those screaming sustained high notes soaring above high voltage guitar, drums and bass, often only witnessed with bands at the beginning of their careers as young men. There’s no doubt that the result is hi-energy, take no prisoners. Rob Wylde, the previous glamorous frontman was also a younger, energetic performer, so Edison has much to live up to, but the crowd easily accept that Edison does not have the same image, because of the fact that, he too, brings all his energy to the performance and can hit all the notes, and even lift the less melodic songs like “I Can Fight Dirty Too” and “Noise Level Critical’ with his class act. All the songs sound excellent and it’s a reminder for everyone that Tigertailz have some really great songs at their disposal, so many more than the oft played ‘Love Bomb Baby’ and Edison can showcase them to the fullest.

Jay Pepper of Tigertailz

Jay Pepper, guitarist and original member is beaming from ear to ear at how well everything is going. Overall the band are heavier, which I think suits 2023 which is definitely the way rock is going, but this heaviness is without leaving the classic rock fan (hungry for a good singalong and melody) behind. Even when the band slow things down for ‘Heaven’ dedicated to Pepsi they sound like a stadium band.

Jay pepper of Tigertailz

Pepper delivers some blistering solos tonight, even in the softer ‘Heaven’ he delivers a stiletto like finger tapping solo which is edgy and striking and not at all sentimental while remaining atmospheric. The main set finishes with new single ‘Can’t Stop The Rock; which all the crowd seem to know, which is a very good sign and they end on a high.

Jay pepper of Tigertailz

They are, of course, called back for ‘Love Bomb Baby’ what else? But the whole evening has been a high, this is not a case, where everyone is waiting for the final hit to be played. There was a sustained high energy tonight which was great to see.

Berty Burton of Tigertailz

Excited I think by all the new possibilities he can see, Pepper bolts straight out to meet the fans, such is his enthusiasm afterwards. I think he is right to be optimistic. What a show!! All three bands were excellent tonight and it really was an unmissable bill. It is not a stretch to anticipate a further extensive tour, now this pilot show has been a success. I have loved all incarnations of this band. I see no reason why this should change.

Jay Pepper of Tigertailz

Dawn Osborne.

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