We Commemorate the Passing of Spider frontman Colin Harkness
Written by Tony Wilson on July 28, 2022
Singer, songwriter and guitarist Col Harkness of NWOBHM boogie mettalers SPIDER passed away on Thursday 21st July.

Colin, Sniffa & Brian
His death was announced on the band website with this simple message.
“It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Spider band member COL HARKNESS.Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family and friends.Col had been in poor health in recent months, in and out of hospital – and sadly, he lost the battle.Please remember Col with love and affection – maybe dig out those albums and singles and listen to him over the weekend. PLAY IT LOUD!Rest In Peace Col – love you man!Brian, Rob. E and Sniffa.”

Brian, Col, Rob E, Sniffa
Rock journalist Dave Ling developed a lifelong friendship with Colin after becoming an avid Spider fan very early in their career.
“Aside from how much of a bloody wonderful guy he was, probably the saddest aspect of Col’s passing is a lingering taste of injustice. Harkness was only just coming into his own as a writer when Spider broke up back in 1986. Following those early compositions that all seemed to include the words ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ in their titles, he was really beginning to stretch out and believe in himself on the final album, ‘Raise The Banner’. I’m talking about tunes such as ‘So Sorry’ and ‘When You Hear That Song’. I was always disappointed that the opportunity to join another band never arose. Had it done so, who knows what Col might have achieved? I’m sure it’s a question that must have lingered in his own mind.”
Maggi Farran who was Spider’s manager from the early 80s recalls
“Col was a lovely, quiet unassuming guy. He loved his music, football as well as being very inventive. Whilst playing a Spider gig at the Marquee in Wardour Street, London one of his front teeth fell out. Totally calm and without missing a note he scrambled on the floor to find the offending tooth. Spotting it nestled between Brian’s foot and the mike stand he grabbed and rapidly re-inserted it, wedging it in place with a large piece of chewing gum!! RIP Col.”
And finally a message from Spider’s indefatigable leader Brian Burrows
“The world just got a little less ‘cool’. Gonna miss you Col. Getting old sucks. Rest in peace bro’. “