Welcome To ‘The World Of (((S)))’

Written by on December 30, 2021

s new album[[[s]]]While working on new material for the next full-length album, (((S))) came across some old playlists containing songs from the first two albums “Ghost” and “Phantom” and realized that with modern technology some of these songs could be revised and brought back to life.

The freshness and vitality they maintained after all these years coupled with his upgraded equipment led to a richer and more fulfilling sound and led to a 10-song-compilation named “The World Of (((S)))” which is available now via https://fustydk.bandcamp.com/ and all major digital music stores and streaming services.

Track Listing
1. Mesmerized
2. Lonely Is The Lighthouse
3. Deathtrip
4. In A Shadow Of A Shadow
5. Hungover
6. A Crying Shame
7. Who Loves The Lover?
8. Over And Out
9. Sons Of The Defeated
10. Help

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