Windmill Brixton Launches Support Initiative For Non-Male Musicians

Written by on June 17, 2021

windmill brixton come back better posterIn the wake of a further delay to the full return of live music, The Windmill in Brixton is joining with Dr. Martens to highlight the critical role independent venues play in supporting the scene at grassroots level with the launch of ‘Come Back Better’; An initiative to help female, trans and non-binary artists make it onto the main stage post-pandemic.

The new support programme will see The Windmill from 17th-30th June 2021 enlist the support of its creative community to provide unsigned non-male acts with access to industry know-how and connections.

Artists will be able to apply for a range of support, developed to re-balance the lack of development opportunities for emerging artists during the past year, including the chance to bag a support slot for Goat Girl [pictured] at a celebratory venue showcase on 30th June 2021.

goat girl band picThe Inititative was developed in response to 2021’s wave of male-heavy festival line ups, aspiring non-male musicians will be able to apply for a range of networking, mentorship and collaboration opportunities, which was commissioned by Dr. Martens to help new artists propel their profiles.

Accompanying this inititative are a series of networking socials run by independent label ‘Ladies Music Pub And Vocal Girls’, a collective and platform championing female and LGBTQ+ creatives.

The Windmill will also open up demo submissions to the venue’s bookers and promoters for future gig opportunities.

Applications to The Windmill’s ‘Come Back Better’ initiative in partnership with Dr. Martens are now open and can be made via

To register for tickets to The Windmill & Dr. Martens Present ‘Come Back Better’ live event on 30 June 2021, head to




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