Wolfgang Van Halen in Exclusive London Appearance to promote Mammoth II

Written by on May 24, 2023

Wolfgang Van Halen (‘WVH”) appeared today for an exclusive electric acoustic performance in promo of his new album : Mammoth WVH – ‘Mammoth II’ (Out August 4th on BMG).


The son of Eddie Van Halen WVH performed three songs for the UK Rock Press at the Fender Guitar Rooms in Central London, two singles from the upcoming album and a cover.

He kicked off with the first single from the album ‘Another Celebration at The End of The World’. WVH played electric acoustic throughout while being supported by a bassist, a rhythm guitarist and percussion provided by a drummer on a cajon box drum. He also sang lead vocal throughout, in a high register, loud and clear. In the first break he commented that finger tapping acoustically was something new and hoped that had turned out alright. The enthusiastic reception must have been reassuring. The material had roots in Classic Rock, but the emphasis on the piercing solo vocal gave it a modern singer songwriter touch.


The second track was the second single ‘Like a Pastime’ with its chugging rhythm, the guitarists fine voice lifted the acoustic performance to a hybrid, ratcheting up the rock n Roll element, so the result was rockier and had more impact than a general acoustic performance. If he’s capable of this acoustically, then think what he can do at electric full belt. Saying it was a bit funny to play these new tracks acoustically, he needn’t have worried, as the effect was modern yet classic and did not seem at all inadequate for the songs.

WVH has previously said of this song:

“It centers around a 4/4-time signature, but with a polyrhythm on top. I was teaching my fiancé what a polyrhythm is, and I stumbled upon this idea. The kick drums are accentuating it. It’s certainly one of my favorites and a completely different vibe than anything on the first album

Finally they performed a cover they have played a few times live ‘My Hero’ by the Foo Fighters, introducing it as a song that meant a lot to the band and has been greatly influential for them. It was, of course, poignant, given the personal significance to him of the loss of his father, and the widespread significance of his father as a hero to many musicians and fans alike.

The guitarist chatted to the press, signing albums and allowing pictures after the journalists had been treated to English High Tea with some very impressive cakes. His father may have only played live a few times in the UK, but his son is obviously very comfortable in the UK and we can expect to see a lot more of this band here in the future.

Dawn Osborne

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