Justin Hawkins

The Hedonistic Purveyors of Feel-Good Rock Make a Triumphant Return to G Live for Their ‘Dreams on Toast’ Tour! The Darkness are one of those bands synonymous with having a good time! Over their illustrious career of more than 20 years, they have built a reputation as a band that […]

Once again the Monsters of Rock Cruise was a highlight of my year!! There is so much going on, nobody, no matter how energetic can take in everything with multiple stages and events going on at all times of the day until about 2am. I don’t drink, eat as quickly […]

I was given a day before the Premieres in the cinema to do this review of the documentary ‘Welcome to the Darkness’. If you are reading this immediately you still have time to get to the cinema tonight to see it. There is some footage of the band live, but […]

Everything I personally wanted to see on the third day was on the Opus stage and it felt good to change it up a little. So instead of wandering all over the enormous Download site a lot, as I had over the first two days, I decided to have the […]

The year 2021 has been a difficult one for touring musicians and venues alike. However, with the year coming to a close and even with an uncertain future ahead, many bands are making the most of the holidays to squeeze in one last run of tour dates before who knows […]

STEELHOUSE FESTIVAL / 23 – 25 JULY 2021 / WORDS BY LAURA KILBOURNE & PHOTOS BY DAWN OSBORNE FRIDAY 23rd  JULY The Welsh mountain is finally open for its 10th anniversary of the Classic Rock festival, Steelhouse! And in true Steelhouse tradition, along came the rain and the wind to greet […]

When Justin Hawkins spoke with Dawn Osborne in UK Lockdown 2021 Dawn.. I’m here with Justin Hawkins of The Darkness Justin, tell everyone how you’re doing? Justin.. I’m doing well. I’m happy. Well as expected.. Dawn.. How have you been spending lockdown? Justin.. Lockdown? Do you mean the second lockdown, […]

Welcome to the new and improved TotalRock newsletter! From now on expect the very best of the month delivered straight to your inbox, once a month. Gathered here for your viewing pleasure are Band Of The Month – January The first TotalRock band of the month in 2021 went to […]

TotalRock challenge to interview every act on the bill for Download Festival 2021!   We’re not ones to back down from working hard, each year we cover as many festivals as possible interviewing bands large and small, with Download festival being no exception, we typically clock in at 50+ interviews […]

The Darkness are the second main stage headliners to be announced for the Ramblin’ Man Fair. Says vocalist Justin Hawkins:  “I do love to ramble. Years ago my grandfather bought me a set of hiking boots for Christmas, in a direct refusal to spend money on the plastic Evel Knievel toy […]

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